Let the Immigrants Come
Published by Richard Bernard,
I am for immigration. I want to see people come here, establish roots and add to the wonderful tapestry of this country. Let them come from every nation, tongue and people.
Let them come who demonstrate their respect for the rule of law by entering legally.
Let them come who understand that we are a civil and moral society, and it is this that makes this country exceptional; the greatest country in the history of mankind.
Let them come who understand it is not their right to demand, but to wait for the consent of the governed before entering this country, because they know that is how a civil society works and they want to be a part of it.
Let them come who understand that words have meaning, and imbedded in any language are the mores and ideas that create a society. Therefore they know that assimilation is vital, so they embrace the English language; apologizing as they struggle to learn it.
Let them come with a rich cultural heritage and share it with others, with the understanding it is subordinate to being an American first.
Let them come who ask nothing except the freedom to realize their dreams. Refusing to accept any government assistance as they build their lives. For they understand that nothing is free. What appears free has been paid for by others and their desire is to give and not take.
Let them come who revere our founding fathers whose blood, sweat and tears created a sacred document.
Let them come who hunger to know our history and learn the principles upon which this society has been created, with a desire to internalize those principles in their own lives and teach them to their children.
Let them come who would be embarrassed to fly the flag of the country they have left, and who, seeing the American flag, brings tears knowing the lives that have been sacrificed to preserve what we hold dear.
Let them come who respect the fact that we are not perfect, but we have created a more perfect union; a state where they are free to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Let them come who understand that economic equality is not feasible because people are not equal in abilities and talents. However, there is an equality in the freedom to work, sacrifice and build; also the freedom to fail.
Let them come not to create diversity but unity. Understanding that a nation divided cannot stand and diversity will eventually destroy the very fibre of this nation they have struggled to join.
Yes, let them come and I will welcome them with open arms.